Ghusl is referred as the complete ablution. This act is necessary in the religion Islam for performing different prayers and rituals. After any sort of sexual intercourse, ablution becomes mandatory. Islam speaks about performing the complete ablution before offering the Friday and Eid prayers. Ablution is also required before performing hajj. It is better to perform ablution before reciting or learning Holy Quran. Ghusl and ablution are two different things, wudu is required before performing salat and it is a form of partial ablution.  Here are some important acts that are required in performing Wudu. 

1) It requires washing of the face.

2) Both arms till elbow must be washed properly.

3) Brushing of head with wet hands needs to be done.

4) Washing both the feet till ankles.


Ghusl must be made in a private place and a person must not be facing Kiblah during Ghusl. Ghusl can be done in standing or in a seating position as well. One should not waste too much water and must avoid speaking during Ghusl. Before performing Ghusl, a person must have the right intention in his mind of cleaning body from all the impurities. It is not allowed in case of impure or clean water. It cannot be done by the water that is extracted from trees and fruits. 

Here are some Sunnah of Ghusl.

•    Washing hands till the wrists.

•    Washing the private parts and removing dirt from the body.

•    It also involves performing Wudu.

•    Water must be poured over head almost three times so that it can clean the whole body.