Showing category "Islam" (Show all posts)

People Who Are Entitled To Receive Zakat

Posted by Islamic world on Monday, December 3, 2012, In : Islam 

Islam as a religion emphasizes on the fact that all things in this world belong to Allah and human own wealth just as trust. So it is the duty of every pious Muslim to distribute a share of his wealth to the poor and needy. The word Zakat means “purification” and “growth” and by giving Zakat a Muslim not only gets his wealth “purified” but Allah also blesses such person with prosperity.

Different channels of Zakat:

Zakat is the amount of money that every financially stable Musli...

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Easing The Learning Of Islam For Converts

Posted by Islamic world on Wednesday, November 28, 2012, In : Islam 

Role of Mosques:

Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion and is spreading all over the world. Mosques in West are also increasing and the number of converts to Islam as well. In various cases, building up new mosques and establishing the Islamic centers are not helping the new converts. The reason is that there are many mosques who belong to a particular group of Muslims. There are some categories made by people like Somali mosque or Bosnian mosque. There might be many mosques present...

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Understanding The Consequence Of Taqwa

Posted by Islamic world on Friday, November 16, 2012, In : Islam 
Meaning of Taqwa:

Taqwa is perhaps the most important concept of Islam. It is mentioned many times in Quran and Sunnah and emphasis is made on its significance. The word taqwa is derived from 239 verses of Quran. It is one of the unique words in Arabic language that cannot be translated into English. The literal meaning of Taqwa is to protect. This protection refers to staying away from the things that Allah forbids. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has also emphasized on its importance. The signifi...

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Understanding The Concept Of Justice In Islam

Posted by Islamic world on Thursday, October 18, 2012, In : Islam 

There are five pillars of religion Islam. All these pillars have some sort of association with faith. However, there are two pillars Peace and Justice, which are vital component of religion Islam. Both these are closely connected with each other, as there cannot be any peace without justice. Muslims believe in the fact that peace is not possible, until and unless there is submission in the Universal order. In the religion Islam, justice has great significance. One of the name of Almighty Alla...

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Gambling-An Evil Of The Society

Posted by Islamic world on Friday, October 5, 2012, In : Islam 
Gambling has now become an acceptable practice in the Muslim Society because media has promoted it to a wide scale. Large Number of Muslims also get caught into the web, not knowing the fact that the earning they get from gambling is haram. Every type of transaction in which gain and loss in not known is known as Qimaar and Maisar in the technology of Shariah. It is also termed as ‘Juwa’ in Urdu language. In this way, two people compete into a certain race with some certain conditions.

If ...

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Some Effective Ways To Learn Religion Islam Online

Posted by Islamic world on Friday, August 17, 2012, In : Islam 

Religious Education is very Important for every Muslim. There are many Madrasahs available that teach religion Islam to people. However, nowadays because of Internet you can read Quran live by sitting at your home. Here are some ways to learn Islam Online.

First learn about the history of Islam, and then about its development so that you can better understand meaning of Holy Quran in the geographical context. There are various sources available online and you need to understand about the f...
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Act of Performing Ghusl and Wudu

Posted by Islamic world on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Islam 


Ghusl is referred as the complete ablution. This act is necessary in the religion Islam for performing different prayers and rituals. After any sort of sexual intercourse, ablution becomes mandatory. Islam speaks about performing the complete ablution before offering the Friday and Eid prayers. Ablution is also required before performing hajj. It is better to perform ablution before reciting or learning Holy Quran. Ghusl and ablution are two different things, wudu is required before performi...

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Having Faith And Belief In The Religion Islam

Posted by Islamic world on Monday, August 13, 2012, In : Islam 

“Faith” or “Belief” means “to justify”. From the point of view of Sharia, meaning of faith is to justify anything by heart. It also involves the declaration of words and showing it through the good deeds. It is also found that faith is not only the domain of heart of someone, instead it can also be shown through deeds and words. It is also said the faith has almost seventy branches and its best branch is said to be “La ilaha illallah”, while its least branch involves modesty. ...

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Performing The Religious Duty Of Paying Zakat

Posted by Islamic world on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Islam 

Zakat is one of the most important pillar of religion Islam. The meanings of Arabic word Zakat is ‘purification’ and ‘growth’. The possessions can be purified by paying Zakat and you get blessed by its growth. Zakat is a calculated amount of money which a true Muslim must pay to people who truly deserve it.  Zakat purifies the alms; it refers to giving a fixed portion of wealth to charity, to the poor and needy. It was practiced initially by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who played a vi...

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Shirk In Islam And Its Types

Posted by Islamic world on Monday, July 30, 2012, In : Islam 

It is the deification or the worship of anything or anyone other than Almighty Allah, it is defined as the establishment of partners placed besides Almighty Allah. You can get a clear view and idea of Shirk from Quran teaching and can also move away from Shirk. This vice is very much opposite to the virtues of Tawheed. In the religion Islam, shirk is very much an unforgivable crime. Almighty Allah might forgive any sin, but shirk cannot be forgiven.


1) Shirk in entity.

2) Shirk in Attributes...

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Submission Of Life To Allah And Living In Peace

Posted by Islamic world on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, In : Islam 

Allah Almighty says that it is vital to change the internal condition of a person, after that their outer condition will be changed. There is an assumption by the people that changing the government can change the future of a state, this will not be possible and it is very much untrue. It can be correlated with the fact that you can change the government, but it will be of no use, if the inside of the body is suffering from diseases. If you have the love of girlfriend, cigarettes and Facebook...

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Significance And Importance Of Prayers In Islam

Posted by Islamic world on Friday, July 6, 2012, In : Islam 
Salah is a form of worship in the religion Islam. Its significance for the Muslims can be well understood from the fact that it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Salah is a form of worship that has prescribed condition, prescribed procedure and the prescribed time. Some of these are obligatory, with just few dispensations under certain circumstances. For all those people, whom it is physically difficult to perform Salah, they can perform it in a much suitable manner or way. For performing ...

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Significance Of Charity In The Religion Islam

Posted by Islamic world on Tuesday, July 3, 2012, In : Islam 
he Ongoing Charity is waqf which can take many forms. Definition of waqf means that fruits are donated for sake of Almighty Allah. Hazrat Umar gave lot of wealth in charity and said that it was not meant to be sold, inherited or gifted, therefore it was given to charity of the poor, slaves and relatives. Giving charity means building mosque, buying Mushafs that need to be placed in mosque or designating a house as waqf, in such a way that its income is spent on the orphans, poor, relatives or...

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