Holy Quran is a book that is very dear to all the Muslims. There are various inspiring stories of people who love the book of Holy Quran. You do not need to go in the past for looking at the biographies of Ulema who have passed away in the recent years. Ramadan is a Holy Month where the book of Quran was revealed. Holy Quran reading will move the heart of a person towards the book of Allah Almighty. 

 1) Syed Ata Ullah Shah had tremendous love of book of Quran and he often used to say that it is the Holy Quran that he love, while he hate the British. The truth is that it is the love of Quran that made his mind move away from the Jews, British and Christians.

2) Hazrat Maulana Qari Fateh spend his entire life for the spread of message of Holy Quran. He constantly used to spread the education of Quran. He had various accents for the recitation of Quran. He also used to lead prayers of Taraweeh and recite the ten parts of Quran in a single night.

3) Sheikh-ul Hadith Maulana Zakariya used to recite the Holy Quran and he was a Hafiz of Quran. For almost 42 years, he used to recite the Holy Quran in each and every day of Ramadan. His whole family was dedicated in the recitation of Holy Quran and they used to recite almost one half of Quran.

4) Hazrat Mufti Rasheed Ahmed memorized the complete Quran at the age of 46 years and he did it in only three months. He became so good at learning Quran that he could memorize a single part of Holy Quran in only one hour.

About the Recitation of Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) once said:

“Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.”