A Muslim woman needs to cover her head, this is her duty towards the religion Islam. Some scholars say that women can only show her face and hands, which is the proper dress code and behavior that the religion Islam prescribes. This is part of the social system of religion Islam, and is the manifestation of Islamic principles. This is a guidance sent from Almighty Allah and an educated Muslim women needs to follow it.

Holy Quran says about the head covering: “And to say to the believing women…that they should draw their head-coverings over the neck opening (of their dresses), and not display their ornaments except to their husbands, their fathers…”(Surah 24 Al-Nor(The Light); ayah 31)

Allah Almighty is the Most Wise, All Knowing and the Most Merciful, he created mankind and has control and power over everything. If you learn Quran, you will get to know more about the significance of wearing Hijab in the religion Islam. He provided guidance?yola-link-is-coming=true to all Muslims. A true Muslim woman believes in Almighty Allah and has faith in the teachings of Allah, because he is aware what is in the interest of human beings. Main purpose and reason for wearing Hijab is to reflect modesty, it is not about wishing to receive the unnecessary attention from people, like flattery, admiration or getting the sexual attraction from any other person than husband.

Not following the wearing of Hijab can lead to many disastrous situations like competition, suspicions, confused feelings, affairs and other relationships where people feel unhappy, insecure and divided. However, apart from wearing the proper and modest dress code that is appropriate to the nature of man and woman, both Muslim men and women must abide by the respectful code of conduct..