Islam as a religion emphasizes on the fact that all things in this world belong to Allah and human own wealth just as trust. So it is the duty of every pious Muslim to distribute a share of his wealth to the poor and needy. The word Zakat means “purification” and “growth” and by giving Zakat a Muslim not only gets his wealth “purified” but Allah also blesses such person with prosperity.

Different channels of Zakat:

Zakat is the amount of money that every financially stable Muslim has to pay to people of some already proclaimed categories by Allah. There are eight categories that have been classified by Allah and are discussed below.

The poor:

Such person is regarded as poor in Islam who is unable to fulfill the basic requirements of his family like food, clothes and proper housing. He is considered poor if even if he is in the possession of minimum amount required for payment of Zakat (Nisab).

The needy:

The conditions of needy and poor are almost similar to each other and will be considered as such if they are unable to meet the basic necessities of everyday life.

The collectors of Zakat:

Those Muslims who are on the duty to collect Zakat from other Muslims either by force or persuasion are entitled to money of Zakat.

The slaves:

The Muslim slaves can be set free after buying them from money of Zakat. Such Muslims slaves are also exempted from paying Zakat who are in contract with their master that they will attain liberty after paying a fixed amount of money.

The new Muslims:

Zakat is also given to new converts to Islam to strengthen their faiths and impart Islam whole heartedly in their heart.

One who fights in Allah’s way:

The persons who fight in the way of Allah for the victory of Islam over Non Muslims are also paid from Zakat even if they belong to well off families.


The indebted:

Any indebted Muslim who did not become indebted against the teachings of Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and now it is impossible for him to pay of his debt is also entitled to Zakat.

To the travelers:

Such travelers who have spent all their money outside their homes and are now unable to fulfill their basic needs are also paid from Zakat so that they may reach their homes.

Allah has explained Zakat with detail in Holy Quran. It is the duty of every Muslim to learn Quran from anyone whether he is an instructor teaching in mosque or a tutor teaching quran online. Only this way he will be able to understand the exact idea behind the principle of Zakat.