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People Who Are Entitled To Receive Zakat

Posted by Islamic world on Monday, December 3, 2012, In : Islam 

Islam as a religion emphasizes on the fact that all things in this world belong to Allah and human own wealth just as trust. So it is the duty of every pious Muslim to distribute a share of his wealth to the poor and needy. The word Zakat means “purification” and “growth” and by giving Zakat a Muslim not only gets his wealth “purified” but Allah also blesses such person with prosperity.

Different channels of Zakat:

Zakat is the amount of money that every financially stable Musli...

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Some Ways To Learn The Alphabets Of Holy Quran

Posted by Islamic world on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, In : Holy Quran 
Holy Quran is a book of Allah which is written in the Arabic language. It was revealed in the seventh century and contains the words of Almighty Allah. Therefore, it is the obligation of a Muslim to understand and learn this book. Nowadays, you can also learn the Holy Quran while sitting at your home through live Quran tutor.
•    There are 28 letters in Arabic language, and you need to learn all of them. They might appear in four different versions like initial medial, final and the isolat...

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Submission Of Life To Allah And Living In Peace

Posted by Islamic world on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, In : Islam 

Allah Almighty says that it is vital to change the internal condition of a person, after that their outer condition will be changed. There is an assumption by the people that changing the government can change the future of a state, this will not be possible and it is very much untrue. It can be correlated with the fact that you can change the government, but it will be of no use, if the inside of the body is suffering from diseases. If you have the love of girlfriend, cigarettes and Facebook...

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