It is the deification or the worship of anything or anyone other than Almighty Allah, it is defined as the establishment of partners placed besides Almighty Allah. You can get a clear view and idea of Shirk from Quran teaching and can also move away from Shirk. This vice is very much opposite to the virtues of Tawheed. In the religion Islam, shirk is very much an unforgivable crime. Almighty Allah might forgive any sin, but shirk cannot be forgiven.


1) Shirk in entity.

2) Shirk in Attributes.

Shirk in Entity:

By Shirk of entity, it means comparing any other one with Almighty Allah. You must have strong faith in Almighty Allah and believe that only he is the one who should be worshipped. If a person worships an entity which is different from Allah, then this will be termed as the Shirk of entity.

Shirk in Attributes:

If a person is trying to associate the attributes of Allah with other person, then he is committing the Shirk which is regarded as the Shirk in Attributes. There are some attribute like watching, hearing and listening that are quite common in an ordinary person.

Almighty Allah is blessed with all these attributes, and human beings are very much dependent on him. It is in his control whether he can grant blessings to mankind or not. However, Allah is not at all dependent on any person. All these attributes are in the possession of Almighty Allah from the very beginning.