Understanding the rights in Islam

May 13, 2013
The fact is that Islam has prescribed that all of its followers must give people their rights. Islam has explained and described about rights of every individual. BY following these rights, the solidarity is set and they also get strengthen between the individuals of a Muslim society. They spread unity, love and prevents the society from getting divided into fragments.

Rights of parents:

Islam has also spoken about the rights of parents. They brought you up when you were young. Therefore, their rights are compulsory on you. Here are the rights of parents that you must follow:
  • Do not cause harm to them or create any sort of trouble for them in any regard.
  • It is important to respect and honor them verbally and with their actions.
  • Obey them completely and serve them in the things that are allowed in Shariah.
Rights of grandparents:
The rights of your grandparents are just like the rights of your parents, even if they have passed away. As you fulfill the rights of your parents so you should regard the rights of your grandparents. Therefore, it is important to fulfill the rights of these families like that of your parents because they are your Mahram.

Rights of children:
Just like parents have rights on children, similarly children also have right on parents as well. The rights of children are as follows:
  • First, the man should try to marry a pious wife so that his offspring can also be pious.
  • Great rewards and virtues were explained for having love of children.
  • There is also a great reward being offered for the upbringing of the daughters.
Rights of family and relatives:
In a similar way, all your close relatives and family members also have rights over you. These rights are mentioned below:
  • It is important to visit your relatives regularly.
  • It is vital to maintain good ties and relationship with them, even if they cause you harm and trouble then be patient  on that aspect.
Author bio:
It is important to learn Quran to have a clear and better understanding of the teachings of Islam. The fact is that Islam has spoken on every aspect of life. It has presented the rights of human being in a complete and concise manner. These rights are mentioned in the book of Holy Quran. Nowadays, there are various sources of teaching Quran available, and you can learn Quran from these sources to have a clear and better understanding of Holy Quran.

Scientific Facts That Are Mentioned In The Holy Quran

January 31, 2013
Holy Quran is a book of Muslims and it contains the words of Almighty Allah. The fact is that what Holy Quran has mentioned and explained is a truth that is proved by scientists of today. Although this Holy Book is a source of guidance for all mankind, and it was revealed almost 1400 years ago, but still its teachings are valid for the entire universe. All the statements of Holy Quran are backed up by the proof and evidence. Any person who spends time in the research and study of Holy Quran w...
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The Need For Deeper Understanding Of Arabic

January 31, 2013
Arabic is a very deep and complex language. In Arabic, the words don’t have a single and simple meaning as it is in English, rather the word can contain a meaning that comprises of a whole story or a whole paragraph. 

For a Muslim, it is extremely beneficial to know the meanings of the words along with the simple recitation of Quran There are numerous words, that are translated simply, but when study in depth, they carry numerous meanings and an ideology within them. One such word is ‘Imaa...

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Value Of The Sacred Water Of ZamZam For Muslims

December 10, 2012

The ritual of Hajj is one of the most important parts of Islamic teachings and the season of Hajj has just passed in recent days. Millions of Muslims got the opportunity and performed the Hajj with religious zeal and zest. When these Muslims go back to their native countries they do not forget to take one thing with them from Holy city of Makkah and that is the water of ZamZam.

The water of ZamZam:

The water of ZamZam first sprouted in the barren valley of Makkah when Gabriel (A.S.) struck the...

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People Who Are Entitled To Receive Zakat

December 3, 2012

Islam as a religion emphasizes on the fact that all things in this world belong to Allah and human own wealth just as trust. So it is the duty of every pious Muslim to distribute a share of his wealth to the poor and needy. The word Zakat means “purification” and “growth” and by giving Zakat a Muslim not only gets his wealth “purified” but Allah also blesses such person with prosperity.

Different channels of Zakat:

Zakat is the amount of money that every financially stable Musli...

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Easing The Learning Of Islam For Converts

November 28, 2012

Role of Mosques:

Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion and is spreading all over the world. Mosques in West are also increasing and the number of converts to Islam as well. In various cases, building up new mosques and establishing the Islamic centers are not helping the new converts. The reason is that there are many mosques who belong to a particular group of Muslims. There are some categories made by people like Somali mosque or Bosnian mosque. There might be many mosques present...

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Understanding The Consequence Of Taqwa

November 16, 2012
Meaning of Taqwa:

Taqwa is perhaps the most important concept of Islam. It is mentioned many times in Quran and Sunnah and emphasis is made on its significance. The word taqwa is derived from 239 verses of Quran. It is one of the unique words in Arabic language that cannot be translated into English. The literal meaning of Taqwa is to protect. This protection refers to staying away from the things that Allah forbids. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has also emphasized on its importance. The signifi...

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Guidelines of Islam on Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage

November 6, 2012
Love or Arranged Marriage
Marriage is a vital aspect of life, and there are different questions that come into the mind of a person about marriage. Everybody wants to live a happy marriage life. There is often a debate among people about whether Love Marriage is better or the Arranged Marriage. In the present world, arranged marriages are popular while in the western world and culture, love marriages are more common, and however they often result in divorces. It is important as a Muslim to understand the Islamic persp...

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Is Quran Present In Its Original Form?

November 1, 2012

There were many books that were send for the guidance of all mankind and they were revealed on different prophets. However, most of these are not present in their original form, there have been changes made by humans in them. Only Book that is still present in its original form is Holy Quran. In Quran, the life of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), history of the Arabs, the events that have occurred during the period of revelation of Quran are not mixed with the Divine verses as it was done in Bible...

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Understanding The Concept Of Justice In Islam

October 18, 2012

There are five pillars of religion Islam. All these pillars have some sort of association with faith. However, there are two pillars Peace and Justice, which are vital component of religion Islam. Both these are closely connected with each other, as there cannot be any peace without justice. Muslims believe in the fact that peace is not possible, until and unless there is submission in the Universal order. In the religion Islam, justice has great significance. One of the name of Almighty Alla...

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